Saturday 7 March 2015

Mastering Your Emotions - Emotional Intelligence

                                             That which we do not have, we cannot give.

How much effort do we as Teachers, Parents and Role-models put into Mastering ourselves?
Mastery can be aspired towards in various facets of our lives but emotional mastery is especially important in the world of children. When you can identify and articulate your own emotions, then and only then can you help to teach  others, especially the younger ones out there how to master their own emotions. Emotional Intelligence makes Organisations, groups and individuals standout.

How Emotionally Intelligent are you? What effort are you putting into improving yourself in this area?


  1. Thank you for a wonderful reminder. Indeed, anyone's ability to use Emotional Intelligence effectively, would make life a lot easier. Simply put, you have consideration for others, you consider the emotions of others and it helps your behaviour towards them. That ability to master it and use it all the time should be a task for everyone. Above all, the world would be a better place for us all!

  2. Yes it would be a better place Ssimi. Can you imagine a class where emotional intelligence is role modelled on a daily basis and where children are sensitive towards each other....multiply that effect in that school and I believe we would have an OUTSTANDING School where parents learn through their children and affect the community at large.
