Friday, 21 October 2016

Celebrating Rotimi Eyitayo on this Friday's Wall of Fame

There are people who kill your vision and there are people who help you towards actualising your vision.

Today, I celebrate Rotimi Eyitayo CEO of Teammasters, who helped me put structure to my dream of helping to train Nigerian Teachers.
Such a talented and creative true child of God.

His organisation - Teammasters - comes highly recommended!

Friday, 19 August 2016

Sisi Lawyer the Leader - Honour Roll Friday

What is it?
Who are those with It's traits?

Today's choice for my Honour Roll is Aronke Vigo Omame (sisi Lawyer).
She has inspired (and still inspires on a daily basis) me and hundreds of people to be and do better.
A true leader.... 

Wednesday, 6 July 2016

Developing the "I can do it" spirit in your child

What role do you play in encouraging your child to 'give-up' or 'tackle the challenge'?
Various examples abound of famous people who wouldn't have been successful if they had given up the first few times they failed.

Let your child know sayings like:
'Try, try, try again, until you succeed' 'Quitters never win'
'Faint heart never won fair lady'
'Only those who dare to fail greatly can ever achieve greatly'.....

( the likes of those.

Encourage your child constantly, let him/ her know you believe in them and it's going to be alright.

What has been your experience in the area of developing this trait in child?
Please post here to encourage others.

Friday, 20 May 2016

Talking about unique ICONS....

Bolanle Olubunmi

Mrs Bolanle Olubunmi was the founder of lmperial Gate School. She started her career as a teacher in Corona School, Victoria Island in 1994 and rose to become the Deputy Head in Victoria Island School and Head Teacher of Corona School Apapa. In September 2003, she became the Head Teacher of Corona School, Ikoyi, a position she held until her resignation in July 2007.

Her commitment to high quality and wholesome education for children goes beyond the confines of the classroom and the margins of school walls. What started for her as a simple love and desire to help as many children as possible maximise their potentials and fulfill their destiny culminated in the realisation of this great and wonderful journey called Imperial Gate School.

The idea of establishing Imperial Gate School was nursed for many years and finally birthed in 2007 as an institution that will provide the platform for every child to release all the potentials within, instill self-confidence, self-worth and a positive outlook to life thus producing the 360° excellent child

She was a fantastic  mentor who had extremely high expectations and standard and never gave tasks that she herself was not leading. Bola Olubunmi was the  first of the 2 Headteachers that I was deputy to.

I miss her.

Do you have role models that inspired you in your professional capacity and are no longer here?
Do share

Friday, 6 May 2016

Tribute Friday.....Teachers that made an impact on lives...

Adenike Adamolekun's profile photo

Mrs Adenike Adamolekun
Founder/CEO of Supreme Education Foundation Schools, Magodo, Lagos.

Her attributes:

'Go-get' spirit

How has she impacted lives?

Her vision to deliver high quality education in a high quality environment, is being lived out daily as, several children who passed through her school are winning laurels all over the world.
Children are always happy coming to her school.
So many children are being educated by her free of charge.
In the 25 years that the school has been in existence she has added value to Magodo Estate, just by her school being there.
She constantly trains and retrains her staff and pays for all training.
She leads by example.
She is a hands-on mentor to her staff.

Owners should learn a thing or two, from this icon in the industry and teachers should aspire towards acquiring these lasting qualities that make a unique Educationist.

Wednesday, 4 May 2016

Going from Good to Outstanding lessons

What qualities make you to be rated as 'Good'?
How about 'Outstanding'?

Image result for outstanding lessons

Clear communication/Excellent expression
High expectations
Efficient differentiation
Clear lesson outcomes in mind
Excellent time Management......

What do you think?

Monday, 2 May 2016

The power of Expectations

Do you think expectations are important or do you just teach with no expectations?
What level of Expectations do you bring into your class each time, each day?

Image result for expectations Image result for expectations

Please post your comments.

Monday, 25 April 2016


A bully is a person who uses strength or influence to harm or intimidate those who are weaker.
"he is a ranting, domineering bully"

What is your opinion on Bullying - in school and at home? Does it have to do with how the bully is brought up? What he/she is exposed to everyday?
Please share your thoughts on this.

Say 'NO' to Bullying

Saturday, 23 April 2016

Tribute Friday for Outstanding Teachers that have had impact on many lives

Tribute Friday:

Lyn Sharpe, ITT Tutor Assesor, Chelmsford, UK.

This lady was in charge of the Essex SCITT teacher training domiciled then at Chalvedon School and Sixth form college Pitsea, when I was in UK and she encouraged, pushed when necessary, taught with a passion and motivated me till I crossed the finishing line into QTS!
I celebrate her 9yrs down the line.
If more trainers were like her, more people would want to go into teaching.

Stuart Kneller also on the SCITT team back then never smiled but his consistent and persistent brand of professional motivation made the difference to our training.
I really appreciate all the training he did.

Sunday, 17 April 2016

Friday, 15 April 2016

Tribute Friday for Outstanding Teachers that have had impact on many lives

Mrs Tinu Fajola, former Biology Teacher, former Principal, Queen's School Ibadan. Very pretty, good dresser, always cheerful, good subject knowledge. An Encourager and a professional. My role model.
Mrs Folasade Adefisayo, former Banker now Consultant on many levels. Pretty, focused, down to earth, very professional, constantly sets high standards, covertly compassionate.

Thursday, 14 April 2016

Developing an innovator's mindset

Gone are the days when recycling the same old information in the same old way did not matter......the 21st century requires creativity and critical thinking amongst other essential tools for teachers.

The children we are teaching now, need a set of different methods to catch and hold their attention.
To be outstanding, you need to develop an innovator's mindset.

Teacher Personalities and Lessons

Your personality affects the way you teach. Are you an extrovert? Have you reflected on how this affects your lesson? Does this connect you more with your students? Are your lessons fun because of this? Is the ability to manage behaviour affected by this?

Are you an introvert? Does this come across in your lessons? Does this mean your lessons are not vibrant?

Now there seems to be a third dimension to personalities - the ambivert.

Tuesday, 12 April 2016

How do you use the aspects of failure in your last lesson or aspects of failure in your performance during the last term/session, to plan future lessons?
Some people don't believe in reflecting, can these people improve on their practice to become outstanding?
Without failure can one attain an 'outstanding' level of performance?

Wednesday, 6 April 2016

The place of passion in our profession....
........what is your point of view?