"What would the learner have to be able to do, to earn an A, B or C in this topic?" This is what we mean by Criterion Based Assessment.
For example, in a Science lesson where assessment is based on various aspects of the experiment and the teacher has to assess if the observatory skills of the learners have been engaged and to what extent they were able to use what was observed to explain the concept being taught; if they can infer and link the experiment to past knowledge and to the world around them, they attain a high level skill in Science ( Analysis, Synthesis and Evaluation - the higher tier of the order of thinking), the following would be termed 'Criterion-referenced-assessment:
'to get an A* you must be able to use Scientific knowledge to explain your observations'
Do you empower them with this level of assessment when you set your objectives, knowing that they should be able to self-assess their performance by the end of the lesson?
Don't just give a general target in your lesson objectives, include criteria.😎