Saturday 11 January 2014

classroom ambiance

When you walk into a classroom, what would you expect to see that would make you smile and believe you had brought your child to the right place no matter the financial implication?

When my children were much younger, I could tell how good the teacher was and if my children were going to love their class or not, the very first visit to their individual classrooms.
 If the teacher had a welcoming smile and air; colorful and pertinent posters displayed all over the class; neatly organized tables and chairs, learning equipment stored in clean and accessible areas for the children - half the battle was won. The other half depended on the diction and comportment of the teacher - after all he or she was going to be a role model to my children!

Anybody with similar or contrasting expectations or experiences?


  1. A parent would like to see a confident teacher who knows their stuff

  2. I agree Wole,
    "Knowing your stuff" teachers, is key.
    You cannot deliver what you don't have. Sharpen your skill as much and as often as you can. The result- smiling parents and free publicity for the school by satisfied clients!!
