Friday 29 March 2019

Is your judgment based on thorough understanding of the student's learning?

Assessment The Encarta dictionary (North American English) defines assessment as: 'a judgment about something based on an understanding of the situation' Have the ongoing exams and your continuous assessment scores, really given you an understanding, of the situation in your class, enough for you to make the judgment you are giving, in the children's report? 😎

Thursday 28 March 2019

How effectively do you use your voice to move learning forward?

Classroom Management

''A teacher's voice is crucial. It's like a musical instrument and if you play it well, then your pupils will be an appreciative and responsive audience''

Susan Capel

On the other hand, when children are exposed to sarcasm, it robs them of their self esteem and they tend to react by exhibiting off task behavior.

Are you one of the
'shouting teachers'? 😎

Wednesday 27 March 2019

Teach each child Emotional Intelligence and you eventually, powerfully, influence a Nation...

Emotional Intelligence

The higher the emotional intelligence of our learners, the lesser the disruptions during classes. and

The rippling effect would be lesser misunderstandings prevailing in the School

....extrapolate and you'll find a caring government in place and a people that are patriotic of their country.

See why we need to teach Emotional Intelligence to our students? 😎

Monday 25 March 2019

What exactly do you do with the results of your assessments?


Assessments are meant to be monitoring understanding and diagnosing factors that may be blocking learning.

Each time I teach I'm monitoring if my students understand. If they don't, I find out what may be blocking learning and look for a way to make the lesson accessible to them.

Do you make an effort to use the results of your assessments to redesign the lesson so that those that don't understand do?

Every child has a right to understand your lesson. 😎

Does your classroom setting ignite learning?

Classroom Management

'The classroom is more than a room with chairs, desks and a teaching board of some should promote and support pupil learning'

Susan Heightman

Setting up the classroom before students arrive is a great tool towards achieving classroom management and a successful learning environment.

How often do you take time to set up your classroom before the students come in? 😎

Sunday 24 March 2019

You cannot give what you do not have!


We have a duty as teachers to empower our children with Emotional Intelligence.

You however cannot give what you don't have.

How good are you at correctly identifying your own emotions as well as the emotions of others? 😎

The book on Emotional Intelligence and other book series on Classroom Management and Assessment come in a pack of 9 different mini books for teachers and is going for N4,500 minus delivery charges.

Why not order yours now and have it delivered? Inbox for payment details.

Saturday 23 March 2019

Do you really use assessments to analyze your student's learning?


'Assessment is the process by which teachers analyze student's learning'

Have you ensured that your own assessments can enable you to empirically analyze the learning of EACH of your students? 😎

Thursday 21 March 2019

Genuine praise is an effective Classroom Management tool... try it!

Classroom Management

Praise helps to improve classroom management and could therefore be said to be an important factor in creating a successful learning environment.

Look for genuine opportunities for each child in your class to be praised, don't withhold praise when deserved.
Don't praise your students behind their backs, praise them when they are there.

Do you praise your students? 😎

Does summative assessment give the true picture?


Sometimes, a normally high performing student performs poorly in an exam due to nerves, poor health or a domestic situation.

Conversely, an average student who has received unrelenting coaching towards the exams may do excellently well
and then come out as the best student.

Same thing with teacher's assessment, a good teacher on a normal day may come across as fair or even poor if the students act up or something happens at home or on the way to work, the day she/he is being formally observed.

So, does summative assessment really give a true picture of the student's performance? 😎

Tuesday 19 March 2019

Temper, temper!!

Emotional Intelligence

For younger children try:

'... you are so angry that teacher told you to do that work again; come and we will do  it together...'

instead of shouting at the child or hitting him or her as many teachers would be tempted to do!

For the older ones in high school, something like:

'... you seem to have had a bad day so far today but storming out of the class and banging the door has not shown maturity on your part or made it better. Why don't you sit down and tell me all about it and let's see what we can do ' - will work much better.

What do you think? 😎

Monday 18 March 2019

Let's learn from each other... peer mentoring works!

Classroom Management

Peer mentoring, reflection, coaching - all with a view to improving on identified areas of challenges...

How often and how effectively is this done? 😎

Friday 15 March 2019

Take a deep breath and model emotional self management!


... If we show disapproval, anger or fear, to how the children express their emotions, there's a tendency for children to repress these feelings. This is very dangerous as trapped feelings will look for a way and come out in horrible ways...

How often do you take a deep breath and model emotional self management? 😎

Thursday 14 March 2019

Using questioning effectively during lessons


During lessons, questioning should not be used just to find out what the learners know but for teaching as well because effective use of questioning encourages interactive teaching AND learning.

Have you been using questioning, during your lessons, effectively? 😎

Wednesday 13 March 2019

Every Child Matters - differentiate your lessons

lassroom Management

For a learner to be successful in a given task, derive satisfaction from the achievement and become motivated by it, the task must be at the learner's level of understanding.

Do you differentiate your lessons? 😎

Tuesday 12 March 2019

It's about demonstrating Emotional Intelligence, not just telling...

Emotional Intelligence

Just being understood helps us to let go of the emotions that are troubling us. It's not a case of a teacher telling the children to be empathetic and yet not understanding why a child whose parents have broken up and are living apart is always not paying attention in the class.

Have you taken time to talk with the child and show that you care?😎

Monday 11 March 2019

Assessment - an answer to learning needs


A teacher should assess his or her students learning on a daily basis in order to be able to be able to give an appropriate response to their learning needs.

How often do you assess the learning going on in your class?😎

Sunday 10 March 2019

What motivates you and how do you motivate?

Classroom Management bk 1d


Success motivates everyone.
If a learner successfully completes a given task and meets the objectives of a lesson, he or she is motivated to do more in subsequent lessons and is less likely to go off task.

Try intrinsic motivation to enable your students to excel and see what happens next. 😎

Saturday 9 March 2019

Active listening versus 'just listening'


People need to feel safe letting out feelings as they talk to you, they need to know that you are fully with them and listening objectively as they express these feelings.

Active listeners are said to have better social skills.

Active listening models excellent behavior to the children.

Are you an active listener? 😎

Thursday 7 March 2019

How well has this term's learning gone so far?


Summative assessment could best be summarized thus:

'... a picture of current achievements derived from information gathered over a period of time in order to set future targets'

Harlen, et al

The term is drawing to a close and we need to assess just how much learning actually took place in our classes.

Will your exams be set in such a way that you can really get an objective answer to the question -  how much learning #actually took place in our classes? 😎

Monday 4 March 2019

The effect of seamless transitions on your lessons ...

Classroom Management Bk1c

The starter, main body and plenary, constitute the major parts of a lesson but could be interspaced should the teacher desire, with mini plenaries and activities which take account of the various learning styles...

Moving from one aspect of the lesson to another (taking into account all the abilities and learning styles of the learners) and keeping in mind the objectives and outcomes you want to achieve... constitute transitions.

How do you plan transitions in your lessons to keep your learners constantly engaged and learning? 😎

Sunday 3 March 2019

Charismatic versus bully - a function of Emotional Intelligence

Emotional Intelligence

People who have a high EQ (emotional quotient ie emotional intelligence) have both high academic performance and high social development.

Have you observed that the most popular seniors in school in the eyes of more junior students, are the ones that are smart AND show that they care about them - regularly asking them how they are doing?

The least popular seniors are those that bully and show they don't care...

Wouldn't our schools and ultimately our Country be a better place if only we could equip our children successfully, with Emotional Intelligence? 😎

Saturday 2 March 2019

The tool of assessment - what value does it measure?


What exactly do you assess?

The 'value' being measured by the tool of assessment is the actual learning that has taken place.
How much did they learn and how well did they learn it?

Do you consider this when you are planning assessment for your learners? 😎