Monday 29 April 2019

Assessment includes Teachers as well 😎


This is the final term for the session.
Performance appraisal shouldn't just be for students.

How will schools carry out a qualitative Performance appraisal of each teacher?

Is there a School Improvement Plan and was the SIP shared at the onset of the session?

Were school wide, department and personal goals teased out from the SIP and were they understood by all?

Were these goals monitored over the year at the various levels of the school?

Which teacher kept on top of it all?

Were 'drop-ins' vis-a-vis formal observations done and recorded to assess the teachers' lessons?

Was the teacher monitored in terms of contributions during co-curricular activities?

Rate the teacher's relationship with students, peers, subordinates, line managers and parents - how well?

Do you do tests for basic updated mastery level of Numeracy, literacy, general knowledge and ICT skills for ALL the teachers?

Has the teacher demonstrated interest in continuing to improve without waiting for you to be the sponsor?

Do you intend to have a 360 degree assessment done for each teacher?

Assessment of performance can't be slap-dash, your school's pedigree depends on it's integrity 😎

Sunday 28 April 2019

How organized and inviting is your classroom environment? 😎

Classroom Management - The classroom environment:

Looking back, when I consider the circumstances under which I learnt best as a young student in the primary and secondary schools and the classroom arrangements that impeded my learning, I know that creating a conducive teaching environment that is orderly and that meets the needs of individual students is ideal. It starts their day right.

Is your classroom environment ready for your children each time they come in? 😎

Wednesday 24 April 2019

How high do people perceive your Emotional Intelligence level to be? 😎

Emotional Intelligence:

Perceiving emotions...
Understanding emotions...
Using emotions...
Managing emotions...

How high do people perceive your Emotional Intelligence to be? 😎

Tuesday 23 April 2019

Assessment shows accountability to your clients. Are you aware? 😎


At the National, State, Local district, School and Classroom levels, Assessment is:

"Accountability of the various providers and of the system as a whole"
Viv Ellis

Is your school conscious of this mandate of accountability at all these levels? Do assessments in your school reflect this consciousness? 😎

Monday 22 April 2019

What level of positive relationships can be observed in your class? 😎

Checklist for level of positive relationships in your class:

Level of inclusiveness?
Degree of anger management?
Effectiveness of role-modelling? 

Wednesday 17 April 2019

Every child has a right to access learning in your class 😎

Classroom Management:

As Head of Early Years back then, I observed differentiation demonstrated in a very satisfactory way by excellent practitioners (cudos to Oyinye Nwankpa and Dodeye Jude) in the Nursery section of a school in Abuja, Nigeria. Each child was carried along at his or her own pace, while both the class teacher and the assistant teacher effectively enabled and monitored learning.

Does every child really matter in your class, do you differentiate your lessons effectively? 😎

Tuesday 16 April 2019

Are you Emotionally Intelligent or not? 😎

'Emotional Intelligence enables people to have positive interactions with one another, anticipate other people's thoughts and feelings and show appropriate degrees of empathy.

Can your school be said to be an Emotionally Intelligent school by all and sundry? 😎

Sunday 14 April 2019

Do you have sound knowledge of what assessment is? 😎

Assessment and methods of assessment are central issues in the Education sector. To be outstanding, our teachers and our schools, need to have a sound knowledge of what assessment is.

 Do you have sound knowledge of what assessment is? 😎

Why not purchase my pack of 9 different mini books for teachers today and find out more about Assessment, Classroom Management and Emotional Intelligence , just for N4, 500 minus delivery.
Send me a message on +234 7032263793 for more details.

Saturday 13 April 2019

Assessment as a tool to improve...

Assessment: ... a tool that seeks to measure or give value to skills, knowledge, attitude, beliefs or a situation... How do teachers and schools make use of this tool to improve on their practice or school?

Friday 12 April 2019

Plan your lesson, FOLLOW the plan...

Classroom Management: The importance of adequate lesson planning cannot be overemphasized. Any teacher worth his/her salt should be able to take up your lesson plan in your absence and use it to deliver at the very least, a satisfactory lesson BECAUSE of the high quality of the details therein. Aim to write qualitative lesson plans forthwith AND teach, using them 😎

Thursday 11 April 2019

Equip your students with Emotional Intelligence...

Emotional Intelligence: Why should we as teachers be involved in equipping children with emotional intelligence? ... an enabling atmosphere for learning ... less disruptions during classes ... less misunderstandings 😎 Teach emotional Intelligence Model emotional intelligence Enable emotional intelligence

Tuesday 9 April 2019

Are your assessments valid and reliable?

Assessment A valid assessment is one that measures what should be measured. A reliable assessment is one that consistently achieves the same result with the same or similar students. A good assessment should be both valid and reliable - it measures what should be measured accurately and consistently. How would you rate your assessments? 😎

Improve behavior management, improve chances of learning...

Classroom Management: Effective behavior management is a MAJOR factor in effective classroom management and creating a successful learning environment. How well do you manage behavior in your classroom? 😎 Find out more about this and other aspects of pedagogy, when you pick up your own pack of my 9 different mini books for teachers today, for just N4,500 per pack, minus delivery. You could also buy and send to any teacher or school of your choice. Let's not leave it to the Government alone, to improve the practice of teachers and ultimately improve our standard of education. Do your own quota, sponsor a pack today. 😎

Monday 8 April 2019

What is your own emotional quotient?

Emotional Intelligence: '... knowing your emotions as well as the emotions of others...' How well do you do this and how often? 😎

Sunday 7 April 2019

Find out what assessment is all about?

Assessment What is assessment? Why do we do assessments? Who does the assessment of whom? How are assessments done? Where is assessment done? How are the results of assessments used to move learning forward? If you want to find out the answers to these questions and fit them into the 'big picture', get a pack of my 9 different mini books (2 of which are on assessment) and read. 😎

Saturday 6 April 2019

How highly do you rate Classroom Management in your school? Does it show? 😎

Classroom Management... ... is everything a teacher does to bring about learning within the school environment. Schools where successful classroom management is evident consistently, can be likened to a perfect tasting cake that has all the right ingredients folded in appropriately and is well-baked.

Wednesday 3 April 2019

Tuesday 2 April 2019

Assessment is central to moving learning forward. Sharpen your axe😎

#Assessment Assessment is a central issue in the education sector. To be an outstanding teacher, a sound knowledge of what assessment is, is very essential. How much do you know about assessment? Grab your pack of 9 different mini books for teachers today and find out more. 😎

Monday 1 April 2019

The power of a Teacher's voice

Classroom Management Verbal communication and you... Does your voice during lessons invite learners to listen or does it trigger a "shut down" to their learning experience? 😎

Are you teaching them to channel their emotions positively? 😎

Emotional Intelligence "Emotions are messages..." Dr.Laura Markham Let's teach younger children to breathe through their emotions without needing to act on them. Let's teach older children to talk it out ; apologize... teach them to find a positive way out of these emotions and do something beneficial. What are you doing to help your students channel their emotions positively? 😎