Monday 29 April 2019

Assessment includes Teachers as well 😎


This is the final term for the session.
Performance appraisal shouldn't just be for students.

How will schools carry out a qualitative Performance appraisal of each teacher?

Is there a School Improvement Plan and was the SIP shared at the onset of the session?

Were school wide, department and personal goals teased out from the SIP and were they understood by all?

Were these goals monitored over the year at the various levels of the school?

Which teacher kept on top of it all?

Were 'drop-ins' vis-a-vis formal observations done and recorded to assess the teachers' lessons?

Was the teacher monitored in terms of contributions during co-curricular activities?

Rate the teacher's relationship with students, peers, subordinates, line managers and parents - how well?

Do you do tests for basic updated mastery level of Numeracy, literacy, general knowledge and ICT skills for ALL the teachers?

Has the teacher demonstrated interest in continuing to improve without waiting for you to be the sponsor?

Do you intend to have a 360 degree assessment done for each teacher?

Assessment of performance can't be slap-dash, your school's pedigree depends on it's integrity 😎

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