Friday 1 August 2014

Reflections on the year gone by.....

Summer gives us all an opportunity to reflect at leisure on the past school year and ponder on:
What went well?
What went wrong?
What can be improved on?

Anybody care to share?

Saturday 5 July 2014

Managing ANGER in the class

".....disruptive behavior  in the class can pose a real threat to the learning and teaching process and often times it turns a teacher's life into a living nightmare..." 

What has your experience been in this area? Comments please?

Monday 14 April 2014

Thursday 13 March 2014

Unkind words in the class.....


Have you ever had unkind words said to you in class? What was the long-term effect if any?

Wednesday 12 March 2014

Must we fight in front of the children???

An image of a young woman fighting with a man Stock Photo - 10371791

"Teacher, teacher, daddy beat mummy and she packed her bag and left",

wept one of my Key Stage 1 children on that sad day all those years ago......" It was a heart wrenching moment for me.

What was your most heart-wrenching moment in class?

O be careful little eyes what you see....

Two people peeking from hole in wall -

I remember way back very early in my career when one day, I met a group of 5yr olds huddled together and giggling over the very hot "jist" going on.....

 "I now know mummy loves daddy 'cos I saw them kissing (giggle) and they didn't know I was watching them"

.... Have you walked into your very young children having similar conversations or viewing similar "acts"? What was your reaction at the time?

Friday 14 February 2014

Channels Television (@ChannelsTV_NG) tweeted at 11:39 AM on Wed, Feb 12, 2014:
CHANNELS BOOK CLUB: Interview With Funmilayo Da-Silva: via @YouTube

Towards making a difference....

Saturday 1 February 2014

Being a Professional Teacher


 The right body language and tone of voice are very crucial to a successful lesson.  Do you believe this?  How have you been affected by either or both as student yourself? Have you observed your colleagues in their classes and watched how their tones and body languages have made their lessons successful or otherwise?
  Lets listen to experts in this field and see what they have to say on the effect of body language:

Looking forward to hearing to your views on this.

Sunday 12 January 2014

Teachers Make a Difference

Here's to all the teachers who have worked and succeeded in making a difference

Saturday 11 January 2014

classroom ambiance

When you walk into a classroom, what would you expect to see that would make you smile and believe you had brought your child to the right place no matter the financial implication?

When my children were much younger, I could tell how good the teacher was and if my children were going to love their class or not, the very first visit to their individual classrooms.
 If the teacher had a welcoming smile and air; colorful and pertinent posters displayed all over the class; neatly organized tables and chairs, learning equipment stored in clean and accessible areas for the children - half the battle was won. The other half depended on the diction and comportment of the teacher - after all he or she was going to be a role model to my children!

Anybody with similar or contrasting expectations or experiences?
Think back as far as Primary/Elementary school period for you:
Who was your WORST teacher and why? Who on the other hand was your BEST teacher and why?

My best Teachers were my dad - he was very practical and always explained the reason as to whatever he was teaching me - from ironing men's clothing: " that you can iron your husband's clothing" to teaching to me to love Physical Geography with many a lesson in drawing maps and creative writing -he made me write an essay everyday when I was on holiday and he would mark!
My best teacher in School however was Mrs Fajola, my Biology Teacher in Queen's school Ibadan. She was pretty, ever smiling no matter what; and her class/lab was always ready for us when we came in for her lessons. She believed in me and always encouraged me.

My worst teacher on the other hand was my Physics teacher who always frowned and never believed I could pass her subject; I disliked Physics so much that when I got to the University of Lagos and had to choose between Further Maths (as HARD as it looked to me) and Physics in my first year , I chose further Maths without hesitating! Till now, physics is my weakest link as a Science teacher.

I wonder just how many people carry such scars or motivation through life caused by what a Teacher did, did not do, said or did not not say?

Your classroom organization skill as a potentially exceptional teacher is very important towards making a positive, permanent mark on your students.

Feedback from readers please?

Tuesday 7 January 2014

Tips Towards an Outstanding Practice
The above link is a motivational video for teachers.
My book below helps to remind us as to how to attain this status or keep on being there.

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