Saturday 1 June 2019

Tips on qualitative observation of a lesson 😎

#Assessment Of Teachers while Observing their lessons:

How does the teacher introduce the lesson? What is the starter? Does it hook their attention or is it boring?

How is the lesson introduced?

Are expectations and lesson objectives made known clearly?

Is learning guided, led or ignored?

Are learning tasks differentiated?

Are qualitative resources used to move learning forward during this lesson?

Is collaboration amongst learners planned for and implemented?

Are the lesson objectives gone back to at some point during the lesson to keep on track?

How were the transitions, if any?

Were  all 3 domains of learning assessed?

Is there a plenary? Does the teacher take cognizance of the result of this plenary?

Did the teacher show reflection on the last lesson's mistake with a view to improvement in this lesson?

Did every child achieve and learn during this lesson?

Was this lesson a poor, satisfactory, good or outstanding lesson?

When you go and observe a lesson or if you are going to be observed, do you factor in all the above? 😎


  1. Lessons must be observed from time to time. Feedback on what was observed should be within 24 hours. The essence of the observation is to improve learning experiences in the class for the children.

  2. Have you gone to observe or have you been observed?
